
Pay Per Call (PPC) Affiliate Marketing is an effective strategy for generating revenue by connecting advertisers with publishers (affiliates) through phone calls. In this performance-based marketing model, affiliates earn commissions for each call meeting the advertiser’s criteria. Google Ads and Bing Ads are two popular platforms for running PPC campaigns. This comprehensive guide will help you get started with Pay Per Call Affiliate Marketing using these platforms.

1. Selecting a Niche and Offer

Choosing the right niche and offer is a critical step in establishing a successful Pay Per Call affiliate marketing campaign. To ensure you make an informed decision, consider the following factors:

– Market Demand

Before selecting a niche, research its market demand to ensure there’s a sufficient audience interested in the products or services. High market demand indicates a greater opportunity for generating calls and conversions. Use tools like Google Trends to analyze search trends, forums to identify common problems, and social media platforms to gauge audience interests.

– Competition

While a competitive niche may signal high demand, it could also be challenging to rank for popular keywords and generate a high return on investment (ROI). Assess the competition by looking at:

The number of competitors running ads for similar offers
The ad copy and landing pages of top competitors
The average cost per click (CPC) for target keywords

Consider a niche with moderate competition, where you can still find high-converting, low-competition keywords to target.

– Payouts

High payouts can be enticing, but they should be weighed against the potential conversion rates and costs associated with driving calls. Analyze the payout structure of various offers, including:

Flat-rate commission per qualified call
Revenue sharing or percentage-based commission
Performance-based payouts with tiered commission rates

Choose an offer with a favorable payout structure that aligns with your marketing strategy and goals.

– Relevance and Experience

It’s beneficial to choose a niche you’re familiar with or have experience in, as it will make it easier to create compelling ad copy, landing pages, and content that resonates with your target audience. Your knowledge will also allow you to address potential customer pain points effectively.

– Offer Selection

Once you’ve identified a suitable niche, explore various affiliate networks to find relevant Pay Per Call offers. Some popular networks include OfferVault, MaxBounty, and CallAffiliate. Look for offers with:

A reputable advertiser and a proven track record of conversions
Clear conversion requirements (e.g., call duration, location, and time restrictions)
Favorable terms, such as timely payments and responsive support

By carefully considering these factors, you can select a profitable niche and offer that sets the foundation for a successful Pay Per Call affiliate marketing campaign. Remember that persistence and continuous optimization are key to achieving long-term success in this industry.


2. Setting Up Google Ads and Bing Ads Accounts

Create accounts on Google Ads and Bing Ads platforms by providing the required information and setting up billing details.

2. Conducting Keyword Research

Effective keyword research is a vital component of a successful Pay Per Call affiliate marketing campaign. It helps identify search terms used by potential customers, allowing you to target your ads to the right audience. Here’s a detailed guide on conducting keyword research for your campaign:

– Utilize Keyword Research Tools

Several keyword research tools can help you find relevant keywords for your niche:

Google Ads Keyword Planner: This free tool provided by Google Ads is perfect for finding new keyword ideas, search volume trends, and average CPC estimates. Sign in to your Google Ads account and access the Keyword Planner to start researching.

Bing Ads Keyword Planner: Similar to Google’s tool, Bing Ads Keyword Planner is designed for Bing’s search engine. It provides keyword suggestions, search volume data, and average CPC estimates specifically for Bing.

Third-Party Tools: Tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Ubersuggest offer additional keyword research capabilities, including competitor analysis and keyword difficulty scores.

– Identify High-Intent Keywords

High-intent keywords are search terms that indicate a strong likelihood of conversion. For Pay Per Call campaigns, focus on long-tail keywords that suggest the searcher is looking for assistance, information, or services over the phone. Examples include:

“{niche} phone consultation”
“call {niche} expert”
“speak with {niche} specialist”

These keywords may have lower search volume but can yield higher conversion rates due to their specificity.

– Analyze Keyword Metrics

Consider the following metrics when selecting your target keywords:

Search Volume: This metric shows the average number of searches for a keyword within a specific time frame. Targeting high-search-volume keywords can increase your ad visibility.

Competition: This refers to the level of competition among advertisers bidding on a keyword. Lower competition keywords can be more cost-effective, but they might have lower search volume.

Average CPC: This is the estimated cost per click for a keyword. It’s essential to balance high-potential keywords with your budget to ensure a profitable campaign.

– Group Keywords into Themes

Organize your keywords into related themes or topics to create tightly focused ad groups. This approach improves ad relevance and quality score, leading to better ad placements and lower CPCs.

– Continuous Keyword Optimization

Keyword research is an ongoing process. Regularly analyze your campaign performance and search term reports to identify new keyword opportunities or eliminate under performing keywords. Continuously refine your keyword list to improve your Pay Per Call campaign’s effectiveness.

4. Creating Campaigns

Follow these steps for both Google Ads and Bing Ads platforms to create Pay Per Call campaigns:

  • Choose the ‘Call-only’ campaign type
  • Set a daily budget, location targeting, and language targeting
  • Create ad groups based on your keyword themes
  • Write compelling ad copy with a strong CTA, highlighting the benefits of calling
  • Set up call extensions with your unique tracking phone number provided by your affiliate network
  • Add your keywords to the respective ad groups, and set keyword match types based on your strategy
  • Set bids for your keywords, keeping in mind the competition and desired ad position

5. Implementing Conversion Tracking

Set up conversion tracking on both Google Ads and Bing Ads to track phone call conversions. Use the unique tracking phone numbers provided by your affiliate network or third-party call tracking platforms like CallRail or Invoca.

6. Optimizing Your Campaigns

Regularly monitor and optimize your campaigns:

  • Refine your keywords
  • Adjust bids
  • Optimize ad copy
  • Adjust targeting
  • Add negative keywords

6. Scaling Your Campaigns

Scaling your Pay Per Call campaigns involves increasing your reach and investments in high-performing campaigns to maximize profits. Once you’ve identified successful campaigns, follow these steps to scale your efforts effectively:

– Increase Your Daily Budget

Allocate more budget to successful campaigns to generate additional conversions. By increasing your daily budget, you can capitalize on high-performing keywords and ad groups, allowing your ads to show more often and potentially generate more calls.

However, monitor your campaigns closely to ensure that increased spending does not lead to diminishing returns. Track your key performance indicators (KPIs), such as cost per conversion, conversion rate, and return on ad spend (ROAS), to ensure your campaigns remain profitable while scaling.

– Expand Targeting

Broadening your targeting parameters can help you reach new audiences and drive more calls. Consider the following targeting adjustments:

Location Targeting: If your initial campaigns targeted specific cities or regions, consider expanding to additional locations where your offer is relevant.

Language Targeting: If your offer is available in multiple languages, create campaigns targeting different languages to reach a broader audience.

Device Targeting: Analyze your campaign performance by device type (desktop, mobile, or tablet) to identify opportunities for expansion. For instance, if your mobile campaigns are performing well, consider increasing your bids or budget for mobile devices.

Ad Scheduling: Review your campaign performance by the time of day and day of the week to identify potential areas for expansion. If your ads perform well during specific hours, consider increasing your budget or bids during those periods.

– Diversify Ad Platforms

While Google Ads and Bing Ads are popular platforms for Pay Per Call campaigns, don’t limit yourself to just these two. Test other advertising platforms to reach new audiences and diversify your traffic sources. Some alternative platforms include:

Facebook Ads: Leverage Facebook’s extensive targeting options and ad formats, such as Call-to-Action buttons, to drive phone calls from your ads.

Twitter Ads: Use Twitter’s ad platform to target users based on their interests, behaviors, and demographics, and include a clear call-to-action to generate calls.

LinkedIn Ads: If your offer is relevant to professionals or businesses, LinkedIn Ads can be a valuable platform for generating Pay Per Call leads.

– Optimize Landing Pages

While call-only campaigns do not rely on landing pages, it’s essential to optimize your landing pages if you’re running call-focused search or display campaigns. Test different landing page variations to identify the best-performing designs, messaging, and call-to-action placements that drive phone calls.

– Continue to Optimize and Test

Scaling your campaigns should not replace continuous optimization. Keep refining your keywords, ad copy, targeting, and bidding strategies to maintain and improve your campaign performance.

8. Staying Compliant with Ad Platform Policies

Ensure compliance with Google Ads and Bing Ads policies to avoid disapproval, account suspension, or bans.

9. Joining Affiliate Marketing Communities

Engage in affiliate marketing communities to learn new strategies, stay updated on trends, and get support from fellow marketers.

10. Testing Different Niches and Offers

Diversify your portfolio by testing new niches and offers to identify new opportunities and reduce risks.

11. Leveraging Retargeting

Maximize your chances of converting users into callers by setting up retargeting campaigns on both Google Ads and Bing Ads.

12. Investing in Learning

Stay ahead of the competition and improve your skills by taking courses, attending webinars, or reading books and articles related to affiliate marketing and Pay Per Call.


Pay Per Call Affiliate Marketing with Google Ads and Bing Ads can be highly profitable when executed correctly. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be on your way to running successful PPC campaigns and earning commissions. Continuously optimize your campaigns, stay informed about industry trends, and invest in learning to improve your performance. Remember to experiment, learn, and adapt to ensure your continued success in this lucrative marketing model.